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  • Adrian Harasymiw

The Link Between: The Importance of Insurance Reviews

Did you know that September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month? No? Frankly, nor did I! I didn't realize we needed a month to recognize insurance awareness.

In any case, this month's highlight article from The Link Between is titled "The Importance of Insurance Reviews". It's a good piece that underscores the need to ensure you have the right ensure in place at your stage at life. And while it notes the importance of making sure you have enough insurance in place, I also suggest a review helps to verify you aren't spending money on too much insurance as well.

Unfortunately, most people get insurance set in place and then never think about it again. This is detrimental to your dynamic wealth portfolio.

Have a read of this brief piece and feel free to roam the site too. Note that you can also subscribe to "The Link Between" to receive updated posts as they're released.

All My Best,

Adrian Harasymiw Wealth Counsel Pinnacle Sovereign Wealth

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